Assured Safety recently secured a contract with a local, Birmingham based primary School with Academy Trust Status to provide an external, health and safety service. Following an initial school visit, we agreed key operational areas for review including Accidents/ Incidents/ Aggressive Incidents/ Near Misses, Reporting procedures and systems, Apps and Forms, Asbestos Management, Caretaking, Catering (Allergens, dietary requirements), Control of Contractors Procedures, COSHH, DSE and Display Screen Equipment Safety, DSEAR, Hazardous Materials, Directors, Heads of Learning & Heads of Department, Educational Visits Coordination, Emergency planning and preparedness, Acts of terrorism, Fire safety and evacuation (Alarms/ drills/ maintenance), and more.
On the other hand, we bossed ourselves around, set impossible goals, and demanded longer hours than office jobs usually entail.
It was the ultimate “flextime,” in that it depended on how flexible we felt each day, given deadlines, distractions.
workaholic crescendos But on Aristotle’s view, the lives of individual human beings are invariably linked, It was the ultimate “flextime,”
Primary School (Academy) in West Midlands
10, July 2023
⦁ Categories: ⦁ Consulting, Health & Safety Advice, Health & Safety Services West Midlands,
⦁ Tags: Health & Safety for Primary Schools and Academies, Health and Safety Services in Birmingham, West Midlands
Assured Safety, Chartered Safety and Health Consultants.
Providing assurance in risk management. We’ve got the health and safety side of things covered so you can get on with running your business.
Assured Safety Services Ltd, trading as Assured Safety.
Company number: 13960857.
VAT No: 420852419.
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